Currently, Karen offers 2 ways to consult with you in personal sessions. Those
are in person or by telephone, for 1/2 hr and 1 hr sessions. Audio CD recording
is optional.
Call or email per instructions below for appointment times, all fees, and details.
To Call:
Call Karen at 440-439-9599. Please leave a message if she unable to answer at
the time. Give your name and phone number(s), what time zone you're in and/or
location, and mention you would like a "session."
To Email:
Please email at kdmystic@aol.com with subject line stating "session". Email
your full name and phone number(s) and what time zone you're in and/or
location. Please mention if you were referred, and by whom. You will be
contacted as soon as possible. Then Karen and/or her assistant will email you
back confirming the request and contacting you as soon as possible via phone
to give details, collect pertinent information, and book your appointment.
There is a 48 hour cancellation notice required should you need to cancel or re-
schedule. If you cancel without prior notification, with the exception of a real-
time emergency, then a fee for your session can be charged. Payments can be
made by money order, check, cash. Visa or Master card is also accepted. Please
do not email any credit card information. Please call the credit card information
in or send regular mail.
Any specific area(s) you would like Karen to "hone in" on or focus on, please
mention them at the time of booking your appointment. Otherwise, just specify
you would like a "general session."
Karen combines several levels of talent as she blends logical analysis with
impressive intuition.
Disclaimer: All consults by Karen David is advice given strictly as guidance
only. You, as the client, retain the right to use such advice according to your
own discretion and for your particular circumstances. All final decisions and
actions made by you are your sole responsibility.
P.O. Box 39216 Cleveland, OH 44139
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